Composition of Hydraulic system?

(1) Hydraulic actuator : Linear actuator or Rotary actuator

It is the actuator that generates displacement and force to construct the hydraulic robot. Depending on the type of motion, the linear actuator and the rotary actuator can be classified.

(2) Servo valve

The servo valve is a key component in the hydraulic robot configuration that is paired with the actuator to control the flow of hydraulic pressure.

(3) Sensors : LVDT, RVDT, Pressure Sensors, etc.

The sensor is a component that measures the angle, displacement, and force of the joint for the purpose of controlling the hydraulic robot.

(4) Hydraulic Controller : Axis controller, Robot controller

The hydraulic controller is a key component that controls the required movement by reading movement from the hydraulic actuator into the sensor.

(5) Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU)

To operate a complete hydraulic robot consisting of an actuator, valve, sensor, controller, etc., a power source that generates and supplies hydraulic pressure is required, which is called the HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit).